The Player Secret of a Vegas Whale HD

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Comment (30)

  1. Just like he said monkey can count cards, but a good successful monkey in this case to win $15 million is somebody like Don that can count really good everything else is secondary and in between the lines , he talks about everything but counting cards that he dos, because let's face it at the end of the day if you're not counting correctly and accurately The odds are not going to be in your favor.

  2. My gambling history says it all. In total I gambled 27 dollars, and I lost it all. There were wins in the middle, but I'd play again and eventually lost all of it. I could have done better things with the money. I could have bought the $20 KFC meal and still have 7 dollars in my pocket 🙁

  3. Now that card-counting is gone, If I don't win in 2 or less hours (depending game), I just cut losses and end it! Blackjack I go big double downs, early and get out fast.

  4. Damn 10k every time they shoot off those water jets? (Thats insane) 350k to eat like a rabbit and push a button,no thank you!!! I'll take some five guys take-out,and fuck with my wind shield wipers/washer.

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