State of The Trooper–Survive or Thrive

In this video

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Music by: David Cutter Music –

Mail Time: Tim Watts
5130 S. Fort Apache Rd.
Las Vegas, NV, 89148

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Comment (20)

  1. Been watching your vlogs for a few years, Troop, and it's awesome to see you being much more positive. Not sure if it was starting the TrooperWare biz or what but there is a definite change in you the last several months. Your vlogs are much more enjoyable to watch. Keep it up and looking forward to seeing where things go next! You got this bro!

  2. you can always grow tomatoes troop we all know you love them. look whatever path you take i wish you well you have kept me entertained and it is appreciated so i only hope for good things for you . cheers.

  3. Troop that was a really great vlog thanks for taking us all on the journey with you.That guitar piece was very fitting to the message in the vlog.Dude whatever you do in life give it 100% and it will pay off just please please continue to take us there with.Much respect.#GO GAMBLE

  4. Subtle slight of hand Trooper, but I saw you wave that dollar then drop your trooperware business card in the guitarist's case. Good thing they are printed double sided.

  5. Go back to school, earn a degree and get a real job….then you won't piss and moan about just surviving. You can always play poker afterwards….

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