Pt.2 Walking the Strip VR360 (4k) Planet Hollywood to Harrahs 2018

For the best viewing experience, please watch on a mobile device. Adjust your video settings to 4k. Use your finger/mouse to look around, or sit in your office chair to spin around! Look up & down, all around. =)

This is part 2 of walking the strip from Tropicana to the Encore, unfortunately youtube won’t allow large uploads 191 gb so we had to break it up.

We filmed this with a Garmin Virb 360 action camera. Erica & Colin walk from Tropicana to the Ballys in this Part 2 of 3.

#LiLV – Living in Las Vegas 360

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Comment (5)

  1. I can't wait. We'll be there on Thursday the 15th. I told my girlfriend that I hope we see you guys out and about, but I would be too shy to say hi haha! You guys are the BEST!

  2. This is really cool effect. You are going to have to redo all thecasinos now you made videos of. Cool how it hides the fact you are holding the camera. P.S. don’t wear v- necks while filming 360. 😳😱

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