Las Vegas Color Run 2018 – VR360 (4k)

We were invited by the Color Run to participate in this years 5k, which was held in Downtown Las Vegas! We met up with a few viewers and had fun getting hit at each color station!

If you haven’t done a color run, we recommend you put it on your list of things to do! Fun for the whole family or just a group of friends.

#LiLV – Living in Las Vegas 2018

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Comment (5)

    1. It’s only colored cornstarch. And, at the purple (our first stop) we are all gagging because we couldn’t really breath. I get why they had masks on.

    2. Buckeye Girl Whatever it is, even if it doesn't explode or burn you, which it can, it's not healthy to breath that into your lungs. I'm not trying to put a damper on the event, but please don't breath that stuff. It's not healthy.

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