Holiday Treats for the Homeless in Las Vegas

In this video

Everyone should have donuts and coffee at Christmas, so we helped some people in Las Vegas who didn’t have them.

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Comment (20)

  1. Outstanding video Trooper!! You and your buddies brought alot of happiness to alot of people who really needed someone to remember them during the holidays. Very classy.

  2. That made me so happy. Thank you for doing that and bringing a smile to so many people who needed one. Just to have another human acknowledge them and say Merry Christmas was probably huge.

  3. Hey trooper !
    What a great video and such a great idea to bring joy to some that are fresh out of luck πŸ™‚ it might just be a donut and a coffee but to those that are down.. it can bring them inspiration and joy.

  4. Catching up on your Vlogs. Now let's see if I have this straight. Santa Claus…….on a Boosted Board of all things……. figuratively flying around giving coffee and donuts to the homeless……………Only in Vegas lol. In all seriousness that was a particularly awesome thing you guys cooked up and came through with. The best of belated holiday wishes and a very happy and hopefully prosperous New Year.

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